Ocean Mist Deal with South Kingstown

By: Ben Branchaud

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Town Manager Stephen Alfred announced at a work session Tuesday night that the Coastal Resources Management Council is considering an application by Ocean Mist Owner Kevin Finnegan to build a structure that would protect the beach bar from the sea wall the town is building adjacent to it.
“CRMC is entertaining a proposal from Kevin to put (walls) in a trapezoidal position that would be elevated to about ten feet in front of his building all the way down to Tara’s with the potential to allow for backfill behind it,” said Alfred at the meeting in the conference room at town hall. “What that would do is negate any potential impact of the sea wall we build in terms of wave refraction into his building.”
Alfred was alerted to the proposal by Grover Fugate, executive director of RI CRMC, who said Alfred would have to cooperate in order for the structure to be approved because Finnegan will need to use town property for some of his project.
“I’ve said all along I would cooperate with Kevin,” said Alfred.
On Monday Alfred had Town Solicitor Mike Ursillo prepare a letter to send to Finnegan’s lawyer promising access to the town property he needs access to as long as Finnegan drops the lawsuit against him.
“I’m not going to be in bed with somebody who is in litigation with me,” said Alfred at the meeting. “I want the lawsuit dropped.”
“I think we’re finally making progress in that they are looking at a reasonable solution that is not in conflict with what we need to do,” he continued.
“That sounds like promising news,” said Town Council President Abel Collins.
Laura Dwyer, public educator and information coordinator for RI CRMC, provided the application to the Narragansett Times Thursday morning.
The project consists of installation of Elcorock sand-filled geo-textile bags which will be installed in two rows. Included in the application are conceptual plans to move the Ocean Mist to allow for the installation of the bags and a raising of the building above anticipated flood elevation.
Attempts to reach Kevin Finnegan for comment before deadline were unsuccessful.


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